August 2018

August 31, 2018

Why I recommend payroll services but not QB Payroll

In Washington, filing L & I is required. In my past experience and confirming with clients who still use QB Payroll, they don’t file WA L & I, that’s a good reason alone not to use QB Payroll. But the bigger reason is that […]
August 30, 2018

Cash versus Accrual, which one do I choose?

Knowing the difference between cash and accrual is a good first step.  Step two is knowing when it matters which one you use.  Cash and accrual are accounting methods. They are used when you are reviewing your financial statements, and when you are reporting […]
August 21, 2018

Can I deduct auto expenses and mileage?

This question comes to me so frequently that it’s actually part of our initial questions we ask new clients. Tax deductions are more of an accounting question than a bookkeeping question, but we know the basics of how this works. The IRS allows you […]